We Love Our Hero!!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Truely Home for Christmas!
We had a nice Thanksgiving. Shout out to Bree and her family for having me and the munchkins. She cooked a lovely meal and kept my wine glass full til 4:30am!
Good news came our way - Mike will be in Omaha with us for Christmas! Could a girl ask for anything more? Not this one!
Most of of my Christmas shopping is done. It didn't take long, but I hope everyone (kids included as they are getting to that picky age) adore - or at least kinda likes what I got the. I know my gift will be my husband!
The house is quiet now - both kiddos in bed. They are such smart loving babies! They somehow know that mommy needs her time in the evenings without a fight. I love them!
Till I type again good friends!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 9:11 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And Breath Out.....
Rae had her appointment today with the neurologist. She is fine! Thank you sweet baby Jesus! He thinks she express her stresses and worries physically. God knows we've had plenty of stressors here at our house. (And I am sure having a mom like me - I stress about everything - doesn't help!)
There is one thing though. I have a strong desire to kick a certain 6 year old little boy's ass! Some little punk at school called Rae fat today. Boys just suck and I told her so! I told her she isn't fat, she is beautiful with a beautiful body. I let her know that boys say stupid things. I played "I like Big Butts" for her and she laughed!
Well I am off to watch House - have a good one!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:21 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sad Weekend
Mike's dad passed away Friday night. We knew it was coming, but it was still hard. Mike is being Mike and keeping his emotions under wrap. I on the other hand took it harder than I thought I would. I didn't know Joe very well, but the loss of anyone is hard. The loss of someone that is loved by someone I love is even harder.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:24 AM 3 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pictures of Recent....
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
That's MY Man!!!!!
14 days and our world will turn upside down. Mike heads out on November 23rd. I can rest easy knowing that for the first few months he will be safe. After that I will be holding my breath till he comes home.
I am not sure if I ever sat down and really figured out what it is about Mike that I love and admire so much. Mike is that guy that everyone knows and most love. I didn't much care for him when we first met. He was unlike any other guy I ever thought I knew. It didn't take long for me to start to like him. I had left a comfortable life in Omaha to join the Navy. I had started on a path of unknown so it was only fitting that I included this unfamiliar guy in my journey.
The more I got to know Mike and the more our love grew, I realized he wasn't so unfamiliar. He is a strong, motivated man who loves his family. A man that wants better for his family. Much like the man that raised me.
Mike has always made me feel safe. He has given me the opportunity to grow as a woman, a wife, a mother and a friend. We have had our problems - who hasn't? But we push through and when we come out on the other end, we would go through the conflict all over again just to have the result of a stronger, happier, more understood couple and family.
Mike loves poker and just as he gambles with his buddies on card night, I gambled with him 8 years ago and I won! I love you baby and can't thank you enough for what you have given me and our beautiful babies!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:09 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
No News is Good News....Bah Humbug!
I know it has been awhile - so this post may go on and on.
Yesterday Raegen's pediatrician refferred her to a pediatric neurologist. For the last year Raegen has been dealing with on and off symptoms that just can't (or haven't yet) be explained. She had fuzzy eyes, tingling and heavy arms and legs, headaches, painful hands, daytime accidents. Back and forth to the doctors with nothing explained. Finally a doctor in the emergency room told us to get her doctor to refer her to a neurologist. A neurologist? WHAT? Both the ER doc and now Rae's doc think it is a neurological problem. The big glaring MS has been brought up a few times. We were hoping to get Rae in before Mike left so he could leave feeling like things were under control. Unfortunately they can't get Rae in till November 25th. Mike and I are obviously scared to death. So please keep Rae Rae and the rest of us for that matter in your prayers.
Mike leaves in 25 days. I am still thinking in the back of my mind that the Navy will cancel....please cancel, please cancel!!! 15 months is such a long time. I am not good at dealing with stress (that's what my shrink told me) and it has been very apparent this past couple of weeks. Mike and I seem to be fighting constantly and I am just having a hard time dealing with things - even little things.
Mike's dad is suffering from brain cancer and isn't expected to live much longer. Mike went home to be with his dad for a week. I know it must have been so hard for him, but I am proud of him.
Home for Christmas isn't looking good. We just don't have the money. It was more important for us to get Mike home to be with his dad.It would cost about $1000 for the kids and I to fly to Omaha. Then there is xmas presents, boarding the dog. I am so upset. I have always either had Mike home or went to Omaha to be with my family for Christmas. This year will be the first time it will be just the kids and I.
With all the bad and stress I am so thankful to have my family and my friends. Whether they are here in Va Bch or far away in another state they love me and are always around to listen. I think sometimes I take them for granted, but I would be so lost without all of them.
So obviously there is a lot going on in the Neaves' house. Please keep us in your thoughts and here's hoping I can stay sane through it all!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:42 AM 5 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Land of the Brave...
Tonight I am helping Mike pack for an emergency trip to Oregon. We got a call yesterday that his dad's cancer has spread and was given 3 weeks to live. As strong as Mike is I know this is so hard on him and I just wish there was more I could do. I wish I could be with him in Oregon, but that just isn't financially possible right now. So I will stay home, take care of our family and prepare to support him any way I can. I love him so much and while I love his strength, it hurts me to see him so strong sometimes.
The kids are doing so well and are of course sad that Daddy is leaving, especially so close to him leaving for 15 months. Ben and Daddy went to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday and Rae and Daddy took Jack for a nice long walk today. I wasn't there, but I hope that they were able to talk and really have a nice time.
I love my family. I love how strong we are and how we come out on top of anything life has to throw at us. I envy Mike (and the kids even) for their strength and try to muster up my own, if only for show in front of them. Life is good - thanks to my family - even during the hard times.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pass the Popcorn and Say a Prayer of Forgivness
The kids and I were supposed to go to church last night, but didn't. UGH - I promise Sharon, we will get there! LOL The truth is, my day really got away from me yesterday. I had a goal to get certain things done, and come 2pm the end was not in sight! Plus we hadn't seen much of Mike so I decided to cancel church and have family night.
Our family night was great! We moved our furniture around, popped popcorn, got some Sugar Babies, Twizlers and watched The Golden Compass. It was a lot of fun. We try to do this once a week, but is hard sometimes with Mike's schedule, hence the school night movie night. I love this time with my family. Everyone is snuggled on the couch and no one is bickering or fighting. We go into it knowing we will have a fun, relaxing time as a family and that's what we get out of it.
Till I blog again....
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:15 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Produce, Jesus and Japamas...
Today is Sunday - where has the weekend gone? Well I spent a good part of it in the laundry room. Where do these kids get all of these clothes? Now I have to put them ALL away! UGH
Some how yesterday I managed to spend $300 at the commissary. That is about double than normal! Idid get a lot of produce and I was hungry and well since we were out of town my coupon stack was quite pathetic.
Last night I took the kiddos to the thrift store (and yes I know I can only do this for a few more years before they realize how "un-cool it is to shop there) for some clothes. I got Rae a real cute pair of Espirit black shoes with pink stitching and about 8 shirts and a pair "japamas" as Ben calls them. Then I got Ben 2 pairs of pants, a nice button up shirt and red converse high-tops. Grand total? $23!!!! That will make up for having to spend over $60 on 2 pairs of jeans for Raegen - all in the name of a big butt! LOL
Today I am finishing up some house work. Yep, the washer and dryer are still running! I am trying to keep the kiddos quiet since Mike is sleeping after working all night. I have to take some pictures of Raegen for her timeline project at school. Speaking of pictures, yes, I know it has been awhile since I have posted any - I will get back to it - promise!
Tonight the kiddos and I are heading to church with Sharon. Not sure if you can call it church since it is more like a rock concert with the set up, noise and amount of people, but I have heard nothing but good things about the church, it's people, and their youth programs. I'll post tomorrow on our experience!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I really need to get my act together! UGH So much going on right now, but I just feel so overwhelmed, I am frozen.
I am really not handling everything well. With all that is going on between my mom and I, my brain has become so scattered and I fear it has gone into hibernation - right along with my motivation! I sit at work and worry about all that needs to be done at home (and isn't). Meanwhile my desk looks like a disaster and my work tasks are multiplying faster than spring bunnies!
Mike is leaving soon and I really need to get ahold of everything. I need to come to grips with everything that has happened in the last few weeks and put it to rest - whatever me decision is (and as of now I have no idea what it may be). I have reached out to Mike and he lovingly listens and agrees, but offers no fuel for the fire, nor does he offer any help in putting it out. I reached out to my dad and he does the same. I understand where they are coming from. It isn't their place to make these decisions nor do they want to be the ones "responsible" for what I may or may not choose too do. I love them both so much for allowing me to vent and being people I can trust to listen and not judge (too harshly anyways).
I guess these are my issues and my challenges. I have decided I need to consult someone with no connections. I need to know if my thought process is too crazy or if I am justified in my thoughts and actions and how to move on with it. I need advise on how to handle this - if only there were easy answers! So I made an appointment to see a counselor. I am hoping this person can shed some light on this situation so I can make a decision and move on. I need to be able to concentrate on the kids and myself. I have to make these next 16 months work as well as possible and I need a clear mind to do that.
I always thought I could figure all of life's ordeals out, but I guess I can't. I guess this time I need help.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 10:37 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
What Up?
I know many of you have been concerned and thinking of Ben. He is doing just fine. His enormous scab (dead lip) fell off yesterday. It was a a scary moment for all of us - especially Ben. He had grown accustom to his lip and when the scab fell off and it started bleeding he was very frightened. He sat on my lap for almost an hour needing his mamma's love. He now has a small scab and it has given us a better picture at the scarring he faces.
It has been over two weeks and I still have not heard from my mother. While I can't say I am hurt by her not calling, but I am surprised. Doesn't a mother at any cost want to make amends with her child? How, as a mother, do you live a life without a relationship with one of your children? I am sure she is getting updates through my sister and that may be enough to satisfy her.
Our family is moving forward from all of this (as much as possible anyways). We are now gearing up for Mike's big departure. The kids know now and are handling well - for now. I have had one or two moments of "Oh Crap" and even a little self pitty, but we are all too busy for pitty parties around here.
A big shout out to Rae Rae who lost her 7th tooth! Way to go girl!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Love My Girls
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:16 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Who Do You Honor?
You never know where you are going until you have passed your exit! I hate that feeling of "I told you so!"
That feeling of anger and betrayal has swept over me and now I am sitting here to sort it all out and deal with it. I can not understand how a person can be so self absorbed that they constantly look over other's needs for their own. And their own needs aren't even needs, just a desire for other's around them to see them as they need to be seen.
In the last year or so I have been aware that too many times I give up my wants (and even my needs) for others. I find myself not speaking up to avoid others from feeling uneasy or uncomfortable. I tell myself after the fact, at what point do I matter? Last week was the last time. I, in consideration of other's comfort, did not speak up, and my children paid the price. It was a learning experience for me, one I will never forget or lose sight of.
I may no longer have a relationship with my mother, but my bond with my children, my commitment to my children and to MY family is stronger than ever.
I received an email from my father, it was a reply to an email I sent him thanking him for all he has done for me and my children. His response was "it is my honor to have the chance to be a dad to all 3 of you. I honor a great man every time I have a chance to do “dad” things, I had a great dad, I just try to measure up to him. "
I too, have had great people in my life. I have a dad who gave all he had - then dug down deep to find even more - sacrificed and didn't give up, all to give me a life and an upbringing that was ACES!
I had grandparents that loved me and provided love and safety for me.
There is one very special person though, who gave me something I can never explain why, nor can I ever comprehend the impact it had on me and continues to have on me. She gave me unconditional love - when it wasn't in her job description to do so. She kept loving and supporting me, even in my nasty, hateful teenage years. No matter what I threw at her, she waited and loved. She was always there, some how knowing where we would all end up. She has loved my babies and cared for them as the priceless loveys they are. She never took me for granted, but always granted me her love. Though I do not call her Mom, that is what she is. I honor her for all the things she has taught me, for all the times she did the hard things - the things she didn't have to do. I honor her for who she CHOSE to be.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 10:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Georgia on my mind...along with other things
Well school is in full swing. Rae is loving 1st grade and Ben is as happy as can be in preschool.
I am still struggling trying to get our house organized. My list grows by the minute and I fear if I really took the time to write it all out I would run away and never look back, leaving my family to live off of Cheetos and frozen pizza while sleeping in piles of laundry....so I stay put.
Don't even get me started on all the projects that I want done around the house. Of course with Mike leaving in November and the extra money coming in, maybe I could actually hire someone to do it!
Next week we will be heading to Georgia for family Thanksgiving...I KNOW IT IS SEPTEMBER!!! It always proves to be a good time!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It Has Been Awhile
So the summer is finally winding down. The kiddos will start school next Tuesday and they are beyond excited. Ben has his teacher meet and greet last night and Raegen will have hers this afternoon.
Mike dropped a bomb on me last week. He will be going to Afghanistan. He will leave in November for 3 months of training in Kansas and then off to Afghanistan for 12 months. For about a week I was pretty numb to it. I know the Navy and know how things can change. Yesterday, however, he let me know that it is a go. So now I am in panic mode trying to figure out everything I need to do before he leaves. We haven't told the kids yet, and I am not sure how I am going to tell them or when I am going to tell them. I am just hoping I can find the strength to be a good mom, friend, sister, daughter and sailor, all while being good to myself while Mike is gone. I know we will all be fine, but the stress is always there.
We are still frustrated with everything going on with Raegen. Her diabetes test came back negative, but that just puts us back at square one. She is still experiencing day time accidents, tummy aches, constant hunger and thirst, fuzzy eyes, weight gain, and now tingling arms and legs. The next step is to test her for thyroid dysfunction. I hate seeing my little girl so miserable and unsure of why she feels the way she does. So we just keep pushing for answers.
Well, I need to get off the computer and clean my house and get Rae's school supplies around.
Till I type again....
Posted by Mike&Sara at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday Blues
It is 4:30am and I am sitting at work....BLAH!!! My weekends are going by so fast that I swear someone is screwing with me! I guess fast weekends are a sure sign of being a grown up!
Mike has a new work schedule and let me tell you it is taking a toll on all of us. Granted, Mike is the one with the screwing sleep cycle, but the kids and I are also feeling the effects. We will go 4 days and only see Mike for a total of 6-8 hours. Saturday, Mike got home at 6am. I took the kiddos to the library and then to the park. I was trying to keep the house quiet so Daddy could sleep. Then off to work he went again. I swear I didn't accomplish a dang thing on Saturday except to keep the kids alive and fed (what more could they ask for, right?). LOL Sunday Mike slept till 12:30 then again from 3pm-6om. I was able to get 1 load of laundry done as well as my kitchen and bathroom floors.
The kids are starting to show more interest in helping out around the house. I am very open to it and try to let them help where they want. It may take a little longer, but if I don't let them then their interest will fade and when they truly are able to help then I will be screwed!
So once again, life is flying by and I am hanging on with all that I have (which a on some days isn't much)!
I wanted to give a shout out to Sharon on her big 3-0!!!!! Rock It Girl!!!! Hope your birthday is Super Fantastic!
Till I write again.....
Posted by Mike&Sara at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Life is Busy!!!!!
Not much time to blog, but wanted to let my fans (yes I know there is only one or two of you out there, but who am I to disappoint) know I am alive. Work has been crazy...so much for a laid back command. These idiots are driving me crazy with all of there crap!
Home is good. Mike started a new schedule and I have to say, it sucks! Oh well, it is his job and I need to toughen up, but as my friend Sharon would say "Ding Dang, yall!"
Raegen and Ben are getting excited about school. Rea will be starting 1st grade. She is so excited that she will be eating lunch at school with her friends this year. Here's hoping she is just as excited about math and reading. Ben will be going to preschool 4 days a week and can't wait to see all his friends from last year.
Catch up with you all later!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Funny Thought
Posted by Mike&Sara at 12:55 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Weekend Notes
Just a quick update on our family. Yesterday the kiddos and I went swimming. It was fun, but would have been better if Mike was there. Ben is terrified of the water and Raegen has no fear. So it wasn't easy keeping everyone happy and safe. Next time Daddy HAS to come.
Last night was nice. Mike and I snuggled in bed to watch a movie. Soon both kids were also in our bed. They fell asleep and then were promptly placed in there bed. It has been a long time since we had a kid in our bed. I guess they still do like us!
Today Mike is doing yard work while I get the house cleaned up. Miss Rae cleaned the bathroom. She did a great job and I am so proud of her. Ben did his usual....nothing. We have got to get this boy in gear, but he likes to play the baby card. I have a roast in for dinner tonight and our neighbor, Mr. Glenn will be joining us.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 10:48 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Just One Mile of the Road.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 10:22 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
So back to work I am. It is so hard going back to work after being on vacation for almost 2 weeks. It was so nice having everyone out to visit. Mike, the kids and I had a great time and wish everyone could have stayed longer. I must say though, it IS nice to have my bed back. Rae Rae reminds me every day how much she misses Aunt Madeline. We all do!
I can't believe how fast summer is going!I swear it seems like we never have enough time, money or energy to get done all the things we really want to do. I guess we need to just slow down and really make an effort to enjoy ourselves and those around us. Mike and I have really been blessed to have such great friends. It is hard not having our families around, but with our friends, it makes it bearable!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Weekend Notes
My dad, Kelly and sister Madeline are here visiting and it has been GREAT! We had a great time at Mt. Trashmore for the fourth. Thankfully the storm waited till after the fireworks. It has been nice showing them the house and watching them interact with the kiddos.
Today we went bowling. It was a lot of fun. I am not very good, but I think we all had a little fun. I think next time I will use the bumpers too! Weekend is half over and we're still having fun........
Posted by Mike&Sara at 9:32 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Hope you all have a great 4th! We are enjoying time with our family who are visiting from Omaha. Ben and Raegen are getting quality time in with B-pa, Grandam and Aunt Madeline. Yesterday we hit the Beach and saw some dolphins. Mike says where there are dolphins there are sharks, so thankfully it was at the end of the day, so out of the water we went! Today we are doing some shopping, a pool party at a friends and then off to Mt. Trashmore for some fireworks. Enjoy the weekend!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 9:15 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
So we are now down to 2 animals. Meow Meow (my daughter fondly named our cat Tinker Bell, but I can't stand Paris Hilton so we all refer to this feline as Meow Meow) had kittens, 4 to be exact. A little back story on Meow Meow: We had a lovely dog Waldo that was very unhappy with our new home so we had to give him to a friend. Needless to say Raegen was devastated. Mike promised to get her a kitty. I am not a big fan of cats, but Mike and I both have a horrible habit of pleasing our children way too much. I reminded Mike that this cat was his responsibility. Litter box, shots, spayed....Well, I clean the litter box and obviously she wasn't spayed. Kitty got knocked up! The kitties went to SPCA and Meow Meow is now a lovely, much more calm kitty.
So how did we get another dog you ask? Raegen gave me a daily guilt trip which included crying for giving her beloved dog away. So off to find Jack our bug. He is a good dog and pretty darn ugly, umm, I mean cute!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
% AND LOVE....

Posted by Mike&Sara at 10:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pulling Weeds
As I sit here at work stealing some free time for myself I can't help but wonder what my kiddos are up to. Granted by Mid morning Sunday I am ready for the work week to begin. I have tired from the fighting, the whining, the constant Need of a want. However, come Tuesday I really start to miss my kids. I miss the way they look when they first walk out of their rooms in the morning. They just shuffle around and sweetly cuddle with me for a few moments. During the week I am the one who has to wake them from their dreams at 5:30 am. I get one who pulls her covers over head and another who takes 20 minutes to stretch. It becomes a frantic, mean toned rush to get out the door and to the babysitters and work on time.
I know that my job is important and what it provides to my family is essential, but I sometimes wonder if my other job (the mom one) is taking a backseat and the affects it will have on my kids. I have my moments where I just want to quit my job and take care of my children. I want to take them to school. I want to make them breakfast (something besides a donut or poptart). I want them to have memories of mom growing up, not the babysitter. Will they grow up disconnected from me or resentful of me because I was not home with them? Or will they see what a strong, independent, loving mother they had, one who could love them more than anyone else could and manage a communications work center in the United States Navy all at the same time. I am hoping for the later.
The grass is always greener on the other side, or at least that's what they say. I like to think that on my side, the grass is just fine.....even if their are a few prickies and weeds to pull!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Here is my Bubby having fun at Great Wolf Lodge. I can't believe how big he is getting. That was a great weekend. We went as a family to celebrate Raegen's 6th birthday.
Posted by Mike&Sara at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mike&Sara at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Mike!
Big Daddy is 33 today! Not much planned in the celebration as i threw him a surprise luau last weekend. It was a good time with good friends! Bree and I had a lovely bike ride, Sharon got her butt kicked in ladder ball and got a priceless video while I got a lovely hangover! All in all it was good and I think Mike was surprised.
The weekend is finally here. Not that it being the weekend makes life any easier. Sat and Sun are the days I play catch up to everything I neglected and ignored during the week (i.e. laundry, cleaning, shopping, kids). My week went by fast now that I am looking back on it, but dang if those days didn't just drag.
Here's to a great weekend!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Starting It Off!
So here it is, my blog. I will try to always make it entertaining to read, but I must admit, my life ain't that entertaining! Raegen and Ben, and many times Mike, do give me a lot to work with and while I don't usually find it humorous, others do! So check back often, but not too often to see what's going on with me!
Posted by Mike&Sara at 11:14 AM 1 comments