We Love Our Hero!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Blues

It is 4:30am and I am sitting at work....BLAH!!! My weekends are going by so fast that I swear someone is screwing with me! I guess fast weekends are a sure sign of being a grown up!

Mike has a new work schedule and let me tell you it is taking a toll on all of us. Granted, Mike is the one with the screwing sleep cycle, but the kids and I are also feeling the effects. We will go 4 days and only see Mike for a total of 6-8 hours. Saturday, Mike got home at 6am. I took the kiddos to the library and then to the park. I was trying to keep the house quiet so Daddy could sleep. Then off to work he went again. I swear I didn't accomplish a dang thing on Saturday except to keep the kids alive and fed (what more could they ask for, right?). LOL Sunday Mike slept till 12:30 then again from 3pm-6om. I was able to get 1 load of laundry done as well as my kitchen and bathroom floors.

The kids are starting to show more interest in helping out around the house. I am very open to it and try to let them help where they want. It may take a little longer, but if I don't let them then their interest will fade and when they truly are able to help then I will be screwed!

So once again, life is flying by and I am hanging on with all that I have (which a on some days isn't much)!

I wanted to give a shout out to Sharon on her big 3-0!!!!! Rock It Girl!!!! Hope your birthday is Super Fantastic!

Till I write again.....