We Love Our Hero!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life is Busy!!!!!

Not much time to blog, but wanted to let my fans (yes I know there is only one or two of you out there, but who am I to disappoint) know I am alive. Work has been crazy...so much for a laid back command. These idiots are driving me crazy with all of there crap!

Home is good. Mike started a new schedule and I have to say, it sucks! Oh well, it is his job and I need to toughen up, but as my friend Sharon would say "Ding Dang, yall!"

Raegen and Ben are getting excited about school. Rea will be starting 1st grade. She is so excited that she will be eating lunch at school with her friends this year. Here's hoping she is just as excited about math and reading. Ben will be going to preschool 4 days a week and can't wait to see all his friends from last year.

Catch up with you all later!