We Love Our Hero!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

That's MY Man!!!!!

14 days and our world will turn upside down. Mike heads out on November 23rd. I can rest easy knowing that for the first few months he will be safe. After that I will be holding my breath till he comes home.

I am not sure if I ever sat down and really figured out what it is about Mike that I love and admire so much. Mike is that guy that everyone knows and most love. I didn't much care for him when we first met. He was unlike any other guy I ever thought I knew. It didn't take long for me to start to like him. I had left a comfortable life in Omaha to join the Navy. I had started on a path of unknown so it was only fitting that I included this unfamiliar guy in my journey.

The more I got to know Mike and the more our love grew, I realized he wasn't so unfamiliar. He is a strong, motivated man who loves his family. A man that wants better for his family. Much like the man that raised me.

Mike has always made me feel safe. He has given me the opportunity to grow as a woman, a wife, a mother and a friend. We have had our problems - who hasn't? But we push through and when we come out on the other end, we would go through the conflict all over again just to have the result of a stronger, happier, more understood couple and family.

Mike loves poker and just as he gambles with his buddies on card night, I gambled with him 8 years ago and I won! I love you baby and can't thank you enough for what you have given me and our beautiful babies!


sharon said...

aww.... yall make me sick..lol... get an frackin room already!

Anonymous said...

So sweet. :)