It is Friday and so many things on my mind. I try to keep my blogging organized in thought, but today I am going to ramble, cause isn't life just on big run on sentence?
So we are housing one of Mike's friends. He is having a hard time with his wife and needed a place to stay. I really don't mind because he is nice, neat, picks up after himself and good with the kids. Makes me wonder if he acted this way at home maybe he wouldn't need a place to stay! LOL But he is here and it kind of breaks up our day to day monotiny. Raegen is somewhat smitten by our visitor and Ben is just Ben....doesn't care one way or the other.
So I was reading another's blog that talked about the role you play in your family; Who wears the pants in the family. Well I was so adiment about I am an independent, self-providing, decission making wife and mother. I don't bow to anyone, but the Queen of England! But it re
ally got me thinking about how our family runs. It seems Mike and I keep score on who does more and each becomes resentfull of the other if one isn't keeping up to par. In this other blog that is what she spoke of. Where many couples say they are 50/50 she said you need to each contribute 100%. Now you ask yourself how do we each contribute 100%? You contribute 100% in your role. Great idea right? Well now I guess I have to sit down with Mike and create a role plan. Are you kidding me? We can't even decide what's for dinner with out one person getting all huffy....usually me. Then don't even get me started on us agreeing the fairness or size of one role over another. "If I pay the bills and cook dinner and work 40hrs a week, you work 40hrs a week and cut the grass 2x a month and TAKE OUT THE TRASH!!!!" - - - giving me a headache!

Life ain't easy people, but it's what we got. So I keep pluggin away. I keep hoping and I keep loving my family.
Haha! You read my blog :) I'm flattered ;)
Do what is best for your family, Girlie! That is what we all do (I hope).
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