We Love Our Hero!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009!

Wow, it has been awhile! Well the kiddos and I had a wonderful time in Omaha for Christmas. A HUGE thanks to Dad and Kelly for helping us get out there! We were able to spend the entire week with Mike. He is as handsome and wonderful as I always remember him being. (I get he had only been gone for a month, but I still missed him like mad!)

We had a wonderful, quiet, relaxing time. My apologies to friends and family we didn't get around to seeing while we were in the Big O. The weather was cold, I was sick and well dang it we were enjoying our time with Mike!

We got a day of sledding in and it was GREAT!!!!! The kids and I and Mike had a blast. I don't remember t he last time I went sledding.

It was sad saying good bye to Mike again...but back home we had to come. The kids are back in school, I am back to work and it is time to keep pressing on. Mike should be home for a couple of weeks in August. We are planning a big trip to Disney World for that!

Hope every one's new year is going great!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Truely Home for Christmas!

Mike left a week ago and well the kids haven't been adopted out to the quickest bidder and I am only looking at loony bins, not actually checking into one! We keep busy and talk to Mike as often as we can and we manage one day - err - one hour at a time. I am getting the kiddos coping skills down. Rae Rae gets sad and moody and Ben acts out in fits. Knowing the signs helps me help them rather than just write it off as them being bratty.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. Shout out to Bree and her family for having me and the munchkins. She cooked a lovely meal and kept my wine glass full til 4:30am!

Good news came our way - Mike will be in Omaha with us for Christmas! Could a girl ask for anything more? Not this one!

Most of of my Christmas shopping is done. It didn't take long, but I hope everyone (kids included as they are getting to that picky age) adore - or at least kinda likes what I got the. I know my gift will be my husband!

The house is quiet now - both kiddos in bed. They are such smart loving babies! They somehow know that mommy needs her time in the evenings without a fight. I love them!

Till I type again good friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And Breath Out.....

Rae had her appointment today with the neurologist. She is fine! Thank you sweet baby Jesus! He thinks she express her stresses and worries physically. God knows we've had plenty of stressors here at our house. (And I am sure having a mom like me - I stress about everything - doesn't help!)

There is one thing though. I have a strong desire to kick a certain 6 year old little boy's ass! Some little punk at school called Rae fat today. Boys just suck and I told her so! I told her she isn't fat, she is beautiful with a beautiful body. I let her know that boys say stupid things. I played "I like Big Butts" for her and she laughed!

Well I am off to watch House - have a good one!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sad Weekend

Mike's dad passed away Friday night. We knew it was coming, but it was still hard. Mike is being Mike and keeping his emotions under wrap. I on the other hand took it harder than I thought I would. I didn't know Joe very well, but the loss of anyone is hard. The loss of someone that is loved by someone I love is even harder.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pictures of Recent....

Pretty Rae Rae!!!

Good Lookin' Ben!!!

Fun at Great Wolf Lodge

Pumpkin Goo

Brother and Sister Love

Happy 5th Birthday Big Boy! Mommy Loves You!

Pretty Pretty Princess!

Tough Guy!

My Love!!!!!

Our Happy Family!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

That's MY Man!!!!!

14 days and our world will turn upside down. Mike heads out on November 23rd. I can rest easy knowing that for the first few months he will be safe. After that I will be holding my breath till he comes home.

I am not sure if I ever sat down and really figured out what it is about Mike that I love and admire so much. Mike is that guy that everyone knows and most love. I didn't much care for him when we first met. He was unlike any other guy I ever thought I knew. It didn't take long for me to start to like him. I had left a comfortable life in Omaha to join the Navy. I had started on a path of unknown so it was only fitting that I included this unfamiliar guy in my journey.

The more I got to know Mike and the more our love grew, I realized he wasn't so unfamiliar. He is a strong, motivated man who loves his family. A man that wants better for his family. Much like the man that raised me.

Mike has always made me feel safe. He has given me the opportunity to grow as a woman, a wife, a mother and a friend. We have had our problems - who hasn't? But we push through and when we come out on the other end, we would go through the conflict all over again just to have the result of a stronger, happier, more understood couple and family.

Mike loves poker and just as he gambles with his buddies on card night, I gambled with him 8 years ago and I won! I love you baby and can't thank you enough for what you have given me and our beautiful babies!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No News is Good News....Bah Humbug!

I know it has been awhile - so this post may go on and on.

Yesterday Raegen's pediatrician refferred her to a pediatric neurologist. For the last year Raegen has been dealing with on and off symptoms that just can't (or haven't yet) be explained. She had fuzzy eyes, tingling and heavy arms and legs, headaches, painful hands, daytime accidents. Back and forth to the doctors with nothing explained. Finally a doctor in the emergency room told us to get her doctor to refer her to a neurologist. A neurologist? WHAT? Both the ER doc and now Rae's doc think it is a neurological problem. The big glaring MS has been brought up a few times. We were hoping to get Rae in before Mike left so he could leave feeling like things were under control. Unfortunately they can't get Rae in till November 25th. Mike and I are obviously scared to death. So please keep Rae Rae and the rest of us for that matter in your prayers.

Mike leaves in 25 days. I am still thinking in the back of my mind that the Navy will cancel....please cancel, please cancel!!! 15 months is such a long time. I am not good at dealing with stress (that's what my shrink told me) and it has been very apparent this past couple of weeks. Mike and I seem to be fighting constantly and I am just having a hard time dealing with things - even little things.

Mike's dad is suffering from brain cancer and isn't expected to live much longer. Mike went home to be with his dad for a week. I know it must have been so hard for him, but I am proud of him.

Home for Christmas isn't looking good. We just don't have the money. It was more important for us to get Mike home to be with his dad.It would cost about $1000 for the kids and I to fly to Omaha. Then there is xmas presents, boarding the dog. I am so upset. I have always either had Mike home or went to Omaha to be with my family for Christmas. This year will be the first time it will be just the kids and I.

With all the bad and stress I am so thankful to have my family and my friends. Whether they are here in Va Bch or far away in another state they love me and are always around to listen. I think sometimes I take them for granted, but I would be so lost without all of them.

So obviously there is a lot going on in the Neaves' house. Please keep us in your thoughts and here's hoping I can stay sane through it all!