We Love Our Hero!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And Breath Out.....

Rae had her appointment today with the neurologist. She is fine! Thank you sweet baby Jesus! He thinks she express her stresses and worries physically. God knows we've had plenty of stressors here at our house. (And I am sure having a mom like me - I stress about everything - doesn't help!)

There is one thing though. I have a strong desire to kick a certain 6 year old little boy's ass! Some little punk at school called Rae fat today. Boys just suck and I told her so! I told her she isn't fat, she is beautiful with a beautiful body. I let her know that boys say stupid things. I played "I like Big Butts" for her and she laughed!

Well I am off to watch House - have a good one!


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy to hear that all is well with Rae, I know that is a huge relief for you and Mike. Kids are so cruel, I was joked about my butt in school...that song is my anthem! Kim

sharon said...

rae is so pretty... they don't know what they are talking about.... I have the biggest ass in town... and I have been married 2x lol.... there is hope!

Meghan Justice said...

I would want to kick his butt too! She is beautiful!