We Love Our Hero!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Truely Home for Christmas!

Mike left a week ago and well the kids haven't been adopted out to the quickest bidder and I am only looking at loony bins, not actually checking into one! We keep busy and talk to Mike as often as we can and we manage one day - err - one hour at a time. I am getting the kiddos coping skills down. Rae Rae gets sad and moody and Ben acts out in fits. Knowing the signs helps me help them rather than just write it off as them being bratty.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. Shout out to Bree and her family for having me and the munchkins. She cooked a lovely meal and kept my wine glass full til 4:30am!

Good news came our way - Mike will be in Omaha with us for Christmas! Could a girl ask for anything more? Not this one!

Most of of my Christmas shopping is done. It didn't take long, but I hope everyone (kids included as they are getting to that picky age) adore - or at least kinda likes what I got the. I know my gift will be my husband!

The house is quiet now - both kiddos in bed. They are such smart loving babies! They somehow know that mommy needs her time in the evenings without a fight. I love them!

Till I type again good friends!